302 S. Walnut Street Sherman, TX 75090 | Map It | 903.893.1171


white flowers with small white candle glowing

Charlotte Hubbard

7/28/1935 - 1/19/2017


Obituary For Charlotte Hubbard

A memorial service for Charlotte Eleanor Hubbard, 81, of Sherman will be held Friday, January 27, 2017 at Trinity Lutheran Church at 1pm in Sherman, Texas. Pastor Craig Sturm of Trinity Lutheran will officiate. Dannel Funeral Home has charge of cremation arrangements. Charlotte was born in Eau Claire, WI and spent the majority of her life there until she moved to Texas to be closer to family in 1999. She worked at Beloit Memorial Hospital for 28 years in Wisc. And everyone who knew her loved her. Charlotte loved to cook and would try out her recipes on the people she worked with and her family. She married the love of her life Robert Hubbard, who preceded her in death. Charlotte loved classical music and was a fan of Liberace. She would spend hours listening to his music in her car and her home. She will be greatly missed. Charlotte is survived by a son Dennis Sather and wife Sharion of Sherman, and daughter Susan Laue of Beloit, Wisc., numerous grandchildren, nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by her parents, husband Robert, and son Clayton Sather. You may sign the online guestbook at Dannelfuneralhome.com .

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  • 07/14/2017

    Dear relatives, I am so sorry to see that Charlotte passed on in Jan. 2017. As her first cousin, our mothers were sisters, we have kept in contact over the years. We always had Xmas cards, birthday cards, and calls. No one told me she died and I feel v badly for my close first cousin and her family. She tried to be upbeat when she had her challenges. ron putz, Columbia, MD. ~ Ronald Putz, Columbia, Maryland

  • 01/30/2017

    I am and always will be your God Daughter.... You have made more of an impression on my life than you might have thought. I remember times spent together when I was younger and our talks we have had throughout life and and I won't forget them. Thank you for being in my life. My condolences to Dennis and Sharon Sather and the rest of the family. Charlotte you will be deeply missed. ~ Echo Vinke, Greendale, Wisconsin

  • 01/30/2017

    Dennis, Thank you for calling me about your mom's passing. I had just spoke with her the day before. I want you to know how very much I loved her. She was and always will be a dear friend, and held close to my heart. I will miss her greatly! My prayers are with you; Rex Garde, Beloit, WI ~ Rex Garde, Beloit, Wisconsin

  • 01/27/2017

    We were like sisters and would talk for hours on the phone. We met in Wisconsin and our children would play together. I miss her and will miss her more and more as the days,months,and years go by.Some day we shall meet again. ~ Audrey Vinke, Mesa, Arizona

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