302 S. Walnut Street Sherman, TX 75090 | Map It | 903.893.1171


white flowers with small white candle glowing

Gilbert Shaw Medina

01/30/1990 - 02/11/2022


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  • 05/11/2022

    Gil was a spiten image of your dad. Very handsome all his life wouldn't you agree? My favorite moment with him was when he sat at my kitchen table and spoke from his heart and said, "I love everybody." I will always remember him that way. My deepest apologies nephew Gil that I didn't reach out to you with a call, or a letter, or a visit to tell you that I love you. I don't make New Year's resolutions but my one and only desire this new year was somehow to find you and let you know I love you. Too late! Too late! Too late! More importantly God's arms are open wide to all who seek him and find forgiveness for all their sins through the precious blood that was shed by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is written that nothing can separate us from the love of God neither life, nor death. I find comfort in knowing you are in Paradise with our Heavenly Father and all those he has perfected in love. Now your love will be perfect and actions too. Nothing is impossible with God. To my precious nephew who knew in his heart of hearts that love is the greatest of all.

  • 05/11/2022

    From cousin Mark. It's sad to hear cousin Gil committed suicide. I've been to suicides and talked to many who struggle with drug addiction and have suicidal thoughts. The common thread is the feeling of hopelessness. The enemy is a liar. He will attack you and say no one cares and everything is your fault. He will make you feel you don't matter and you are not loved. And drugs or some vice usually follows that and continues to get worst. I believe this is what happen with Gill. I remember going to school with him. He had a very outgoing personality and others would gravitate to that kind of like uncle Gilbert. But that positive the enemy sought to destroy. I think This is a reminder to all of us as a family to always check on each other and to pray and to talk to each other more. Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

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