Harold Wayne Brown
06/24/1947 - 01/14/2025
Obituary For Harold Wayne Brown
A Celebration of Life for Harold Wayne Brown, 77, of Denison, who passed away on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at Texoma Medical Center in Denison, will be held on Saturday, January 18, 2025, at Modern Exploration, 4900 Texoma Pkwy, Sherman, Texas, from 2:00 PM until 4:00 PM. Harold will be given military honors by the United States Army at 3:00 PM.
Harold Wayne Brown was born June 24, 1947, in Conroe, Texas, to Verlon and Clara Mae Fountain . He joined the United States Army in 1967 and served in Vietnam until he was discharged in 1970. He served during the TET Offensive in 1968. Wayne met and married the love of his life, Sheila Yost, and they were married for 57 years. Wayne was an oil and gas man and was a loving husband, son, father, father-in-law, Papa, and Great Grand Papa.
Wayne was a great storyteller and a fantastic cook. He loved to fish and hunt. When anyone would ask how he was able to do something, his favorite answer was “It’s an old Indian trick!”
Wayne will be missed by a very large family who loved him dearly!!
Celebration of Life
02:00 PM
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