302 S. Walnut Street Sherman, TX 75090 | Map It | 903.893.1171


white flowers with small white candle glowing

Virginia Piott

10/16/1924 - 09/11/2018


Obituary For Virginia Piott

Virginia (Pat) Piott passed on September 11, 2018 after 93 years of graceful living. She was the daughter of Rev. Thomas and Margaret Reece, long time residents of Trenton. She and husband, Carol Piott, had a family which included son Danny Piott and his wife Sharon, daughter Debbie Wall and her husband Larry. Her family grew to include 6 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren. She was a member of East Sherman Baptist Church and held the Lord close to her heart. She had a joyous spirit even up to the day she left us and we were blessed because of it. She will be welcomed by the Almighty and those friends and relatives who have gone before her. Memorial services TBA.

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