302 S. Walnut Street Sherman, TX 75090 | Map It | 903.893.1171


white flowers with small white candle glowing

William Penn Roberts

09/13/1932 - 06/20/2021


Obituary For William Penn Roberts

William Penn Roberts was born to Altus and Nina Fay Roberts on September 13, 1933, in Thrift, Texas. He passed away June 20, 2021, in Whitewright, Texas surrounded by his loving family.

He spent most of his childhood in Oklahoma as a farm boy. Bill met Bettye, the love of his life in Oklahoma City and they were married April 9th, 1949. They started a family of four sons and moved to California where they lived for 15 years.

Texas Instruments moved Bill and family to Texas where he worked for 29 years. Bill and Bettye were led by the Lord to begin Mission work in old Mexico, and many states in the U.S. helping small churches and missions for the southern Baptist Volunteer Missionaries. Bill and Bettye ministered 16 years to native American churches in New Mexico, Arizona, and Oklahoma. They were also called by the Baptist convention to begin work in mobile home parks planting new churches in New Mexico for 2 years. After 2 years they moved back to Texas and continued their work with the Native American churches and prison ministry as well.

Bill is survived by his wife Bettye Marie Roberts and sons, Terry Roberts, Richard Roberts and wife Paula, David Roberts and wife Pamela and many grandchildren.

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