When Someone Dies

If your loved one had a pre-planning document, either at home or on-file with a funeral director, you should have immediate access to important information that will help ensure that your family member’s wishes are carried out as specified.
Those who must plan a funeral when someone dies must make hundreds of decisions quickly. Dannel Funeral Home will guide you through the process of planning funeral services. Many find a preliminary funeral checklist enormously helpful as they begin considering available options.
First Steps When Someone Dies
When a death occurs in a hospital, hospice or nursing home facility, their staff will place the appropriate calls to authorities. If the death occurs elsewhere, call 911 so that authorities can make a death pronouncement.
Call a funeral home. They will arrange transportation of your loved one. You do not have to use that funeral home for funeral services. If the death occurred in another city, a nearby funeral home will help coordinate transportation.
Contact family, clergy and close friends. Ask someone to notify others you want to contact personally before making a general announcement or posting on Social Media.
If your loved one has dependents or pets, arrange for a trusted friend to assist with arrangements for temporary care. You can deal with long-term concerns later.
Select a funeral home for your loved one’s services and talk with a licensed funeral director. They will help you to make the best decisions for your family.
Reach out to the family lawyer and accountant. There may be directives in a living will and testament regarding the funeral the deceased wanted.
If no pre-planning was done, you will need to devote time to talking with professionals at the funeral home about arrangements. They will guide you through each step and help provide you and your family with meaningful direction during this difficult time.
If your loved one was employed, contact the workplace. Ask about benefits such as life insurance, back pay or other considerations.